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Friday, June 04, 2010

Death By Bullying: Another Teenage Suicide

I have so much to say about this particular type of thing... don't know where to begin.

First of all, my prayers and condolences go out to this young man's family.

Secondly, this issue seriously needs to be looked at by our schools.

Thirdly, parents need to learn to really listen to their kids = and when they say they're being bullied, PLEASE listen to them! And Please step in to help them.

And Most Importantly: Our children need to have a church family they can truly depend on. An extended family of sorts who will be there for them, help them and their family stand up to the bullying -- or the lack of assistance from the authorities. This bullying is UNnecessary - these deaths are UNnecessary... these victims need to know that LIFE can go on - and these things, too, shall pass. In a year or two or will be over and many circumstances, even laughed about.

Death By Bullying: Another Teenage Suicide

God Bless....

The ONE Campaign