Gifts With Humanity - You Shop We Donate

Friday, February 22, 2008

Send an Email - Help Reward Farmers for Conservation

The Healthy Farms, Foods and Fuels Act and the EAT Healthy
America Act are a new bipartisan approach to farm and food
policy designed to reward farmers, ranchers and other
private landowners for helping fight some of our biggest
environmental challenges.

Farmers and ranchers are eager to help solve some of our
environmental problems. But, three out of four farmers are
rejected when they seek conservation incentives – that's up
to 100,000 requests denied in some years.

We can do better. Tell your representative to cosponsor the
Healthy Farms, Foods and Fuels Act and the EAT Healthy
America Act to reward more farmers and ranchers when they
take steps to meet our biggest environmental challenges.

Learn more about farmers and the environment:

The ONE Campaign