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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Give Poor Farmers a Fighting Chance

Dear Friend,

This year, Congress will debate a new Farm Bill, which for five years will set policies that could either help small farmers at home and abroad?or keep them struggling.

The current Farm Bill represents a broken promise to America's farmers and rural communities, and it falls short of meeting its obligations to families that depend on food stamps and conservation programs that protect rivers and streams. To make things worse, the current Farm Bill actually hurts poor farmers in developing countries.

Please contact your members of Congress today using the letter below and ask them to create a Farm Bill that reduces misguided subsidies and shifts those resources to support the programs that really need the money.

Members of Congress listen to their constituents. Your voice could make all the difference! Use it now to tell Congress to put your tax money to work for farmers, families, and our future.

Please follow the link below and take action today:

thanks so much for your support!! :) God Bless!

The ONE Campaign