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Friday, July 15, 2011

Carolina Connection: Fighting for Our Future (Senator Kay Hagan)

Following is an excerpt shared from Senator Kay Hagan's
recent "Carolina Connection" eNewsletter:

Fighting for Our Future:
Wrapping Up Senator Hagan's
Budget Listening Tour

With Washington-as-usual partisanship stalling progress on serious deficit reduction and job creation, I recently convened listening sessions to hear directly from my best advisors – the people of North Carolina.

My "Fighting for our Future" Budget Listening Tour made stops in Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte and Wilmington, and the difference between what I hear in North Carolina and what I see in Washington is astonishing.

For too long in Washington, partisan bickering has prevented real deficit reduction. In North Carolina, the vast consensus was that we must work together, Democrats and Republicans, to craft a responsible plan to reduce the deficit that is balanced, bipartisan and calls for shared sacrifice....
Be sure to read the entire newsletter here: and don't forget to register your email address to receive her future letters...especially if you're a NC'er, or just appreciate politics in general.  :)

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